A ‘soul’full city- Benaras

by Chandrika R Krishnan


The shrill honk went right through my ears to rattle my brain. The e-rickshaws and regular autos vied for space, blaring their way through the crowd. The drivers of the few cars seemingly sat on their horns as I tried to give way to them. Amidst all the commotion, the humble cycle-rickshaw puller huffed his way with his two human cargos. I gingerly stepped over the red paan stains and took in the whiff of freshly-made jalebis and masala pooris wafting from tiny thatched-roof restaurants with benches and chairs of dubious sturdiness placed outside the shop. But looking at the number of people sitting comfortably on them, busy licking their fingers with gusto, I had to gracefully the sturdiness of the bench and the popularity of the place. The chai-wallah looked at me, hopefully sensing the inveterate tea drinker in me, but I demurred with a shake of my head.

I navigated the narrow lanes till I reached the top of the steps leading to the Ghats of the city of Varanasi, hitherto known as Kashi, and also goes by the name Benaras. Traditional etymology links “Varanasi” to two Ganges tributaries forming the city’s borders: Varuna, still flowing in northern Varanasi, and Assi. The name Varanasi was spelled Baranasi in Pali, which ultimately gave birth to the name Banaras. This city is known for its learning and hosts one of the prestigious public universities, the Benaras Hindu University. The city of Kashi has its root in the Sanskrit etymology ‘to shine,’ and hence Varanasi is also called the City of Light.

Just as suddenly, I left behind the chaos taking in the mighty river flowing quietly without a gurgle as surely as it had for ages passing through this ancient, inhabited city of over 3000 years. The smooth flow belied the power of the current, and it was all the more evident by the energetic bobbing of the boats along the Ghats.



I walked towards the banks, sidestepping the broken, uneven steps, and reached the shores. The setting sun set the river ablaze, and above it, the birds raised a cacophony, trying to settle down for the night on the equally ancient, twisted Peepal tree, which had one of its branches almost kissing the river.

The lights twinkled along the uneven Ghats casting a mesmerizing shadow in the river. A steady stream of cars traversed across a far-off rail/road bridge built across the river. A cruise ship twinkled away at a distance taking with it several tourists. Closer to the banks, tourists who could either not afford the cruise or could not find a spot in them haggled with the boats men  to take them across a few ghats. Marveling at the city that balanced the old and the new with élan, I sat on the steps, oblivious to the dirt left behind by millions of feet that must have doubtless traversed the same steps.

Watching the river as it turned dark, I looked across as prayers were offered to the river from various strategic points in this city, which supposedly boasts 88 Ghats. Come morning, the very same ghats would ring over with the priests guiding the thousands who either come to cremate their loved ones or to offer food and prayers to their departed parents and their ancestors to help them attain Moksh (salvation from the cycle of death and re-birth).

Mark Twain is supposed to have said, “Benares is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend, and looks twice as old as all of them put together.” According to mythology, Lord Shiva, one of the trinity of Hindu Gods, was so impressed by Varanasi that he performed Ashwamedha Yagnas with the help of King Divodasa. The place still exists in the name of Dashawamedha Ghat. Archaeologists believe that the first settlements in Varanasi happened in the 11th or 12th century BC. Varanasi is a Vedic religion and philosophy seat and a commercial and industrial center famous for its muslin and silk fabrics. Varanasi’s proud daughter, Rani Laxmibhai of Jhansi, goes down in history for her courage during the Indian Mutiny of 1857–58.

I had ample opportunity to visit Kashi over the years but never felt the need to visit the place. Maybe, the time wasn’t right then, or I wasn’t ready for the intense spiritual journey My family has been facing stressful times for the last couple of years. I had read somewhere that hindsight is rarely kind. Hence, the heavy weight of guilt and the inexhaustible supply of ‘Why us’ and ‘what next’ weighed me down. The band around my chest was one of familiarity.

The city grew on me and made me fall in love with it more than the previous day. The chaos and cacophony organically blended with the soul of the city. I could not envisage the place without the noise. Compared to other cities, the development and expansion of roads are just not feasible. The town’s soul lay in the narrow streets, congested houses, and temples on every corner. Some of the temples had to be accessed by narrow staircases. As I witness the evening Aarti*, not just by myself but also from the eyes of the four overseas travelers sitting next to me, I am taken in by the spectacle of young men doing a rhythmic dance offering invocations to the river. For most people living there, Ganga is not just a river, but she is an eternal provider like a mother and is thus termed Ma Gangaji.

Varanasi has been in the news lately not only because of the newly inaugurated Ganga Vilas Cruise (which is purportedly booked till March 2024) and the Varanasi Tent City, a luxurious, tented resort located on the banks of the holy Ganga River with the sole intention of attracting tourists. Meanwhile, researchers from CSIR’s National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) are trying to analyze the sediment of the Ganga River to enable them to identify what makes the river remain safe and fresh for years. But for the believers, the study makes no difference as they lug back gallons of water back home to distribute, store, and use during most rituals.

Be it the Manikarnika ghat, where bodies are cremated round the clock, or the lodge called ‘ Mukti Bhavan,’ where people in the last throes of life ‘check in’ to die, I am left speechless and amazed at how faith can help people accept the inevitability of death with the fortitude the city demands.

The moon rose, the light reflecting from it shimmering on the water. As I sat by the river, the familiar flutter settled down, the tightness of the chest giving way to serenity and I rose reluctantly, aware that it was time to return to my room. Like the river, I had to continue my journey. The worry and the uncertainty of the future remained. Calmer, I pondered on the insignificance of my existence in the grand scheme of things. Rarely do I visit the same place. But this once, I promised to return to sit by its banks again soon. The river and the shimmering light of the city continue to ‘flash on my inward eye’ whenever I am overwhelmed by circumstances and the quietude is once again mine to savour.

 this was originally published in https://meanpeppervine.com/a-soulfull-city-chandrika-r-krishnan/

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla
in collaboration with Dr. Preeti Chauhan.







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ambica gulati July 7, 2024 - 9:27 am

I went to Varanasi twice in 2022. When I got out of the station, the first thing I did was capture the loud honks in a reel! They came from all sides on a jammed road. I actually didn’t enjoy the city at all, maybe just the morning aarti at Assi Ghat. The rest is too crowded and really needs cleaning and space.

Harjeet Kaur July 8, 2024 - 12:57 pm

I haven’t been to Banaras ever, but have heard tales about it. The Mukti Bhavan, especially, is mentioned often. I am sure Banaras is a soulfull city, and it is on my bucket list for sure. Let’s see when I get my divine call. But I am wary of crammed lanes and crowds.

Kaveri Chhetri July 10, 2024 - 10:36 pm

Varanasi has always been in my bucket list… (I esp. want to witness the Ganga Arti), but your post made me fall in love with the city. I loved how you have captured the true essence of the city beyond the dirt, the crowd, the commotion and the noise. You are a pro and it reflects in your story telling and style… particularly in this one.

Ratna July 11, 2024 - 8:38 am

Varanasi is on top of my bucket list, it’s (un)reputed hygiene notwithstanding. I think the history and puranic lore buff in me yearns to connect with this ancient city. Your blog reflects every feeling I want to feel when I visit the place. I’m blown and my yearning to visit it has multiplied infinitely.

Manali July 11, 2024 - 6:42 pm

I’ve been to Varanasi only once and like you, I’ve promised myself to visit it again, and as many times as I can, because there’s just something so peaceful about the ghats, the narrow lanes, the many temples, and the chants. As you said, “Insignificance of my existence in the grand scheme of things” that truly is a feeling that only a city like Varanasi can evoke. Thanks for sharing this experience which made me recall my own visit to this wonderful city

Docdivatraveller July 12, 2024 - 6:51 am

Banaras is my sasural. Over the years, we have taken numerous friends with us to visit because everyone wants to visit the soulful city!

Samata July 12, 2024 - 10:28 am

Varanasi plays a very very special place in my heart and I gave 2 years of my life to this city. I stayed there, experienced the hostel life, the people, the galis, the temples, banarasi textiles, Sandhya arti, my first campus selection and I had my long distance boy friend who later became my husband. Varanasi gave me many things … Gratitude to Varanasi and My Mahadev… without his blessings life would not have been what it is today.

Janaki July 12, 2024 - 12:34 pm

I’ve never been to Varanasi and not sure if I ever will. But as I read your post I too could imagine myself sitting on the steps of the ghat, looking at the vast expanse of the Ganga and feeling so small before her. Your description felt very real to me. Thanks for transporting me to a holy place through your post, albeit for a few mins.

Madhu Bindra July 12, 2024 - 5:16 pm

I have not been to Banaras but I have heard it is quite an experience. The way you have written about it brought it to life. I didn’t know a lot of things about the city. Thank you for sharing this lovely post.

Ritu Bindra July 12, 2024 - 11:46 pm

Thank you for the virtual tour. I haven’t had a chance to visit Varanasi yet. I get claustrophobic when it comes to huge crowds so will probably give the aarti a miss. I would love to explore the city, though.

Varsh July 13, 2024 - 4:14 pm

I visited Kashi last year and this post brought back a wave of nostalgia. From those narrow lanes, crowded streets, to the amazing food, beautiful ghaats and of course Ganga darshan, it truly is an experience that stays with you.

Jeannine July 13, 2024 - 5:09 pm

It’s my first time hearing about Benaras and my curiosity about this place has been filled up by the information you’ve shared. You’ve described the place so great that I felt like I went there as well. Appreciate you sharing your experience with us.

Felicia July 13, 2024 - 11:59 pm

I loved how you highlighted both the chaotic and peaceful aspects of Varanasi. It’s amazing how you found serenity in the midst of all the noise and hustle.

Aditi Kapur July 14, 2024 - 6:46 pm

I’ve never been to Varanasi but heard a lot about this spiritual city. Your article reminded me of visiting one of the holiest places on the earth where I should visit atleast once in my life.

Pamela Mukherjee July 15, 2024 - 11:34 pm

I have been to Varanasi at least 4 times and want to go back again. This city has something which attracts me more often and whenever I visit this place, I find tranquillity and peace. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this.

Ishieta July 18, 2024 - 10:28 pm

I still love the name Banaras and feel there’s a charm about it.
I am glad you found moments of serenity on your trip, when i’d visited (and that was pre-covid) it was crowded and noisy… i would try and find pockets of space and quiet as best i could, and wish i’d visited earlier when it had been a less busy place.

Noor Anand Chawla September 7, 2024 - 5:16 pm

Beautifully penned. I too visited Varanasi for the first time last year.

Chandrika R Krishnan September 8, 2024 - 7:27 am

Thank you so much Noor. I am shifting base and hence not able to respond to your comments


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