It was the deaths that shook the neighbourhood. The cheer cast by the delayed onset of the southwest monsoon and the overnight downpour…
It was the deaths that shook the neighbourhood. The cheer cast by the delayed onset of the southwest monsoon and the overnight downpour…
Swiping left to right and back again, Sailesh was in a quandary. This decision-making caused him more distress than the outside temperature…
Place: The mythological museum – Gopalapuri As I stood in front of a very realistic portrayal of Baby Krishna, opening his mouth…
“I am tired of the bad press! Drinking black coffee makes you a psychopath!” The coffee lamented. “Well, caffeine is definitely not something…
Nalini turned the key to the door and impatiently rang the bell when she realized that once again the door was latched from…
“Come -on ! choose ! Big or small?” Her fingers wagged under my nose second time in as many hours that day. ” Honestly,…
I stood sleek and tall as the last of the nut and bolt was driven home. I occupied the pride of place in…
‘Thank God it’s Friday’, the thought crossed Charu’s mind as she entered her apartment complex balancing her laptop bag, a lunch bag, and…
The men came as they usually did. The father knew that he would be picked today. So, he called his family close to…
Nilesh absent-mindedly smiled his thanks as Anil, his co-worker, placed a glass of tender coconut water by his side. He played around with…