All for thirty -seconds of Fame- A flash fiction

by Chandrika R Krishnan


Swiping left to right and back again, Sailesh was in a quandary. This decision-making caused him more distress than the outside temperature of 45° C.  Here, he was seated in his bedroom  sweating over which reel he should upload first- the one where the train was inches away from pasting him to the tracks or where he perched rather precariously over an abyss.

Post the ban of TikTok, this fourteen-year old was addicted to Instagram. Being a shy child with hardly any friends, he hoped that one of his reels would strike gold and pave his way of becoming an influencer and his popularity skyrocket among his peers. To this end was his relentless quest in shooting and uploading his #shorts in the hope of them turning viral.  He knew that the common thread running through most videos clocking maximum views were ones that were death-defying and awe-inspiring.  

Now, he wasn’t sure which to select. Both were close-ups of his face reflecting the studied, yet exaggerated round of surprise befitting someone finding himself in the throes of danger. The first one had a terrific soundtrack of the approaching train as the driver almost stood on the horn with a horrified look that was in stark contrast to Sailesh’s blasé look. But then the one over the sheer drop was equally spectacular. Frustrated that he couldn’t ask Ashish who had shot the reel, he frowned at the sheer pettiness of his friend when the latter realized that his videos weren’t as spectacular as Sailesh’s. He stopped hanging out with him despite Sailesh offering to shoot them again.

He was hell-bent on posting this video a day prior to his school reopening after the summer break. He would get a hero’s welcome, he thought keeping his fingers crossed.

The next morning, he swaggered into his school sure that his uploaded video would catch everyone’s attention. Little did he know that it had caught the attention of not just his peers but the police too. It was his school-uniform that had given him away. He wasn’t to know that the middle-aged driver just short of his retirement after putting in a blemish-free career had suffered a heart attack when he saw the boy on the track inches away from the engine. It was left to the apprentice driver to take the train with around a thousand passengers to safety.

Suspended from school, his neighbours agog with curiosity, his parents caught in the ignominy of it all, he now paced his bedroom biting his nails to the skin. He was now on Prime-Time TV, as the panelists discussed the menace of these instagram-crazy generations which had spread beyond small pockets of the society. His reel was shown in a relentless loop across all channels with heated discussion on the foolishness of young people who seem to live for thirty- seconds- of- fame.

This blog post is part of ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.

Photo credit:

Photo by Leio McLaren on Unsplash

Image by Annette from Pixabay



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Romila March 3, 2025 - 11:58 am

That desperate chase for fleeting fame is so real in today’s world, and you captured it brilliantly. The twist at the end was unexpected but felt so fitting—made me pause and think. Loved how you built up the tension in such a short span, keeping me hooked till the last word. Flash fiction at its finest! 👏🔥

kanchan bisht March 4, 2025 - 11:01 pm

Sailesh’s thirst for viral fame turned into a nightmare. His daring stunt landed him on every news channel, not as a hero, but as a reckless example. Suspended, shamed, and trapped in his room, he watched helplessly as his reel played in an endless loop—his fame now his downfall. What a strong message

Sadvika Kylash March 5, 2025 - 12:16 pm

These cases are happening a lot. Young people should understand that going viral isn’t just about creating such content. They should stop influencing from spocial media

Pinki Bakshi March 7, 2025 - 2:56 am

The boy’s dream of making his reel go viral came true, but at what cost? This resonates deeply in today’s world. Such a beautifully crafted story!

Harjeet Kaur March 7, 2025 - 11:20 am

This scenario is so scary.There are so many untold stories of such suicidal thrill videos. Your story is bang on target, and that’s the downside of social media. Teenagers and adolescents do not know the risks and do it just to get their reel viral. Singapore has restricted kids under 16 from using social media. I wish India too, would do the same.

Janaki March 7, 2025 - 1:02 pm

Oh God! but this is ture so true of the times we lve in now. Children don’t want to seek advice and end up doing dangerous stunts in the name of being an influencer. You have captured the essence very well in your story, Chandrika.

Ambica Gulati March 7, 2025 - 6:11 pm

This generation needs some reality check. Life isn’t a reel, but real. I wonder how the parents handle this mania.

Neha Sharma March 7, 2025 - 6:40 pm

It’s scary how far some kids go for viral fame without realizing the real-life consequences. The part about the train driver’s heart attack was especially heartbreaking. Social media can be a great tool, but stories like this make you wonder—at what cost?

Aditya Sathe March 7, 2025 - 7:04 pm

This is the most hard hitting flas fiction I ever read! You have hit the nail right on the head. Nicely penned story.

Manali Desai March 7, 2025 - 7:21 pm

Oh dear God! That poor driver. I don’t know who to blame here and who to emphatize with more, the driver’s family at such a tragedy or at the boy’s family who will no doubt be hounded and haunted by this occurrence forever now.

Sakshi Varma March 10, 2025 - 1:06 am

God this was scary – i was sure it will end up in the boy dying doing the some death defying stunt – but clearly it is not only themselves they put in danger but even others.

Neeta Kadam March 10, 2025 - 8:14 am

You crafted it very well. Sailesh, wanted to be hero and he goes viral too but in negative sense. I don’t understand when this generation get out of this trap? Instagram and fame that is only their life.

Anjali Tripathi Upadhyay March 10, 2025 - 10:41 am

This was such a gripping read. Yes, we can see nowadays how desperation for viral fame pushes kids to dangerous extremes, and the twist at the end was both shocking and thought-provoking. It’s scary how far some go for social media validation, completely blind to the real-world consequences. Definitely a story that lingers in the mind long after reading.

Varsh March 10, 2025 - 4:47 pm

This could very well be someone’s reality. The obsession to go viral has gripped youngsters making them stop at nothing for quick fame. Being responsible for someone’s untimely death seems to have not registered to him at all. No remorse. What will happen to these people?

Ratna March 11, 2025 - 9:36 am

“Reeled” under your chilling story! Beautifully articulated my own fears about the current trend of reeling everything under the sun. I hope some sense prevails. Sometimes, would a slap or two (from our days) might work, I wonder!

Shalini R March 12, 2025 - 3:23 pm

Reading this gave me chills. It’s terrifying how far some, especially kids are willing to go for a few seconds of internet fame, completely disregarding the risks. Social media validation should never come at the cost of safety, or worse, life itself. No trend is worth a tragedy.

Jeannine March 12, 2025 - 6:07 pm

I love how this story captures the dark side of social media obsession. Sailesh’s desperation for validation feels so real, and the twist at the end is a chilling reminder of its consequences. Such a powerful read!

Docdivatraveller March 12, 2025 - 7:56 pm

Oh what an up to date narrative…ban of Tiktok and the desire to become an influencer…fame is a fleeting trait and you have captured it brilliantly!

Samata March 13, 2025 - 7:42 pm

The flash fiction you penned is a reality and not just among kids but also among adults. In the online industry one is after another. They take up wrong ways to spoil others success by preaching negetive words about the competitor just to ensure they get the clients and not the competitor. I am in this industry and I got solid proof how my competitor is trying to spoil my reputation by spreading negetive vibes… But I decided to ignore and keep working with same honesty and dignity. Karma will pay. It is good to become famous but not at the cost of your life or by spoiling others reputation. Excellent Flash Fiction… The social media is a mix of of pros and cons and you need to choose what you want to be succesful.

Sindhu March 15, 2025 - 3:04 am

This is so saddening to hear the things people do to become viral and trending. I don’t know where we are headed to


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